Japanese day

Stamped: March 28th, 2008 | Related Posts
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After coming back from Vietnam in the morning, I went straight to work. I’m not an workoholic, but I am a control freak. So I have to control what everybody does.
It’s better not working with me because I’m a real pain.

So after work, I decided that I had enough of Vietnamese taste. So I went to a Jap restaurant. A famouse chain apparently, named Azabusabo. It’s a tea house.
And there are 5 of those restaurants in HK.


Sorry for the bad pic, but the iPhone is not the best camera.

Every Japanese dish looks so good… But to me, it doesn’t taste so good…



Then I went to Muji to buy some food. Yes, I was so hungry, even after the restaurant. I discovered some funny Jap food on my way to Vietnam. There is a Muji shop at the HK airport. And I bought some interesting food. It ’s very light, fluffy, made of brown sugar, and looks like a long cubic rectangle.
They have a lot of interesting snacks… Yummy…


And then I went quickly to my usual Japanese-owned bar. Got one shot of Vodka and left!

I took that Armani add while I was eating at the restaurant… Beautiful :) That was maybe why I was left hungry…


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