Recurring love

Stamped: April 13th, 2007 | Related Posts
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Recurring love

I embroidered smooth words
To cover thy cold silence
Paroles thou never heard
Familiar echoes thou silenced
With a mere broken stare
With a thread of sorrow
I try to forget thy glare
Until the recurring morrow

I wrote that some time ago, in 2003. I guess I was desesperately trying to forget someone I loved but I couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried.
I am a very reasonable person, very grounded, so I knew that a heartache could be forgotten, it was just a matter of will.
But I found out with experience that most of the people did like to bask in their pain, they cling to their memories so very hard and don’t want to let it go, even though it hurts, because it is simply Love. Treasurable love.
A tiny bit of love can always sweep away a mountain of pain.

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